Right-Wing Anti-Feminism

Why female alt-right advocates aren’t the voice of balanced progress, but of patriarchy in a skirt  I’ve been dodging this topic for a while. It’s been too hard, too deeply conditioned, too close to the core of who I was and who I’m evolving out of. That, of course, is the right-wing evangelical with heavy…

Inside the Indoctrinated Mind

The last time I wrote on this blog, I wrote on radicalisation, white Christian nationalism and how the far and extreme right-wing interface. In it, I doxxed myself pretty heavily, because I used to be out there on the far right wing. In the article, I spoke about the third stage of radicalisation being ‘indoctrination’…

A Cult of Personality – or is that Cult Pseudo-Personality?

As we dipped our toes into the still-fresh waters of 2023, I took the time to do a little thinking. The past seven years had seemed so strange as to be fictitious, outshone only by the twenty-five-odd years that went before them. Although at the time, that life was all I knew. So how could…

My Walk Through Purity Culture: Not a G-rated Blog Post

How exactly does one get writing again after a year’s hiatus? I admit I froze up the first few times I sat down to try and compose some thoughts. Following all that happened last year (read all the tea on that over here), and knowing this news cycle could spin off again at any moment…

A Tale of Three Andrews: Thorburn, Bolt and Uncle Dan

Look, I’ll say straight up I missed the boat on this issue. My brain was so bogged down in other things that it just stopped working! But seeing the name Andrew Thorburn is still being thrown around in conservative circles as some sort of martyr-cum-hero (hehe, cum), Mamma Kit is going to say what’s been…

Unchurchable – The New Place to Find Me on the Interwebs

It has come to my attention, in the weirdest of weeks and the weirdest of years, that this old retired blog in an abandoned corner of the Internet still has quite a number of devoted readers – and some of you were quite a surprise to me. I’m in equal parts horrified and chuffed. This…

The Other Victims of Conversion Practices.

Last week in the Victorian Legislative Assembly, a bill banning conversion practices passed unopposed. We are only half way there as it still has to pass the upper house before it becomes law. But I wanted to take a moment to offer another perspective. The words “Gay conversion therapy” hardly capture the insidiousness of the…

Perceptions, Reality and Kindness Under Pressure

“So I’ve been thinking.” Now, that’s a dangerous statement, I know. But what else does one do while on lockdown? It seems, as we live through this little Covidian apocalypse, that the catch-cry “We are all in this together” is being thrown around. And its a nice sentiment, don’t get me wrong! But really, we…

Why I Don’t Seek Certainty Anymore

For me, faith was always about certainty. Certainty that the world worked a certain way. Certainty that God would always come through for you (if you prayed hard enough, worked hard enough, didn’t sin, fasted if the situation warranted it, and were generally the good girl). If you were a good evangelical, you would reach…

The De-Calvinization of Kit Kennedy

There we were, my ex-husband and I, walking our two babies along a boardwalk during Covid19 lockdown. The dew was still fresh on the plants that carpeted the wetland floor. Our two-year-old was busy conquering her fear of bridges (because look, a boardwalk is one long bridge, isn’t it). I watched her a bit proudly…